
    FINDING THE RIGHT APPS: PRODUCTIVITY FOR A SERVICE PROVIDING BUSINESS Ok, so this has become an annual cycle for me and the colleagues I work with. We’re yet to stick with one particular system for managing ourselves. After 3 or 4 years it has dawned on me: there is no one system that meets all of our requirements. I guess there are different aspects of our business and day-to-day lives that require management. Work-wise, we have a series of design projects (Architectural design for extensions, new housing, commercial developments etc). Within these projects are several sequences of tasks that need to take place to progress each project toward its goal - in our case, two major milestones are Statutory Consent and Construction. The projects are primarily catalogued and managed in WorkFlow Max (  ) which is specifically for service providers as it allows you to log hours against projects and easily create invoices through their accounting package  www.xe

Be Dynamic Daily

Embrace the Power of Being Dynamic Daily! Imagine the extraordinary potential that lies within each of us when we cultivate the dynamic mindset - a trait that sets apart the smart-thinkers, the go-getters, and the visionaries who strive for peak productivity and ultimate well-being. Dynamic individuals are the ones who stand out in any domain - be it as successful employees, entrepreneurs, or simply as movers and shakers within their organizations. They are the driving force, the action-takers, who turn dreams into reality. But here's the fascinating part: you can harness the power of being dynamic every single day, even in the tiniest of tasks, to unlock incredible benefits. We all have ambitions, both big and small, that we wish to achieve. Sometimes, they might seem overwhelming, leaving us trapped in the clutches of procrastination, unable to move forward. However, by embracing the dynamic spirit, stuff happens! Let me share a couple of real-life examples to illustrate this: Pi

Why I'm trialling a "Dumb Phone"

Why I'm considering a dumb-phone  Notifications!  Distractions, disruption - the constant pinging.  The constant belief from clients and colleagues that you should be instantly communicable during every waking minute. Research suggests that it takes some 20 minutes for our brains to re-focus on a task which we were otherwise distracted from.  No wonder therefore so many of us ramble through the day turning in alternative directions like a rabbit in the headlights. It today's society we all lack focus.  We have the attention span of a goldfish - not because we're dumb ourselves, but there is so much content to consume that we are continually moving onto the next article in a 'grass is always greener' kind of way.  We're so easily distracted that we can barely commit to a conversation without our minds wondering off on a tangent.  This very issues is why I am applying focus to every single task or process I undergo on a daily basis.  Mono-tasking is the way forwar

Positive Thinking

Smart Thinking is also Positive Thinking.  Noone got anywhere in life through negative thinking! The benefits of positive thinking are plentiful, but summarised as follows: Improved mental health: Positive thinking can improve your mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Increased resilience: Positive thinking can help you cope with stress and adversity, making you more resilient when faced with challenges. Better physical health: Positive thinking has been linked to improved immune function, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Increased productivity: A positive mindset can help you stay motivated and focused, leading to increased productivity and achievement. Improved relationships: Positive thinking can help you build stronger, more fulfilling relationships with others. A positive attitude can attract people to you and make it easier to resolve conflicts. It also can help you to be more empathetic and understanding towards others. So how do we pu

How Bullet Journalling boosted my productivity

I've tried and tested pretty much every task app going. In my architectural business, I can have 30 projects on the go at any one time, each with their own often substantial list of actions. I automatically think that such a level of actionable tasks can only be handled with computing power. However, what I found was that I could easily populate the latest task management app with all of the tasks to do and then completely ignore everything due to complete overwhelm. Entering the task into the program was almost a feeling that the task was dealt with - once entered, I forgot about it knowing it would be picked up in the future. Often, this wasn't the case, and so the system wasn't working. During the very first COVID lockdown, I picked up on @RyderCarroll and his 'Bullet Journal' technique. I had journaled briefly on and off since I was a teenager and have various notebooks kicking around with brief entries of certain days and times of my life, so I was kind of fami

My life changer moment - The 4 Hour Work Week

T im Ferris   (@tferriss) wrote the 4-Hour Work Week (4HWW) back in 2008.  For me the book was life-changing - insomuch that instantly, I was able to manage stress.   I'd been through 8 years of an annual stress cycle ever since becoming self employed in 2000.  I was stuck in a kind of stress loop. The 4 hour work week opened my eyes and allowed me to understand my stress.  Stress didn't disappear overnight, but I was able to look at it from a distance, accept that it was there, and know that there were solutions.  I instantly felt in control. I've followed the principles of the 4HWW ever since - OK not to the exact detail - I don't live in Argentina whilst earning in Dollars and spending in Rupees (a great life hack that Tim actually excercised for some time, although generally Worldwide, not just Argentina!   The general principles fit most peoples lives and situations.  The main things that have resonated with me since reading the book (which I did in a couple of

Introduction - Enough about me

 A little about me.... I've run my own business since 2000, here in the UK.  I've been through ups and plenty of downs, but generally, I lead a fulfilling life and enjoy what I believe to be the relative freedom that most people strive for - perhaps without being fully aware that they strive for it. I'm 46 going on 30 and whilst I still feel 30 in my mind, I am aware that life is cruising along and it's time to set those goals, meet those goals and set enjoyment as a top priority.  I don't consider myself an entrepreneur - I went into Architecture from school and have followed that career path since - but I do intentionally pursue that entrepreneurial mindset and believe everyone would benefit from thinking more like one. I'm not a millionaire, and I don't drive a Lamborghini.  I do have to be financially aware and have not had anything handed to me on a plate.   I have to work for my living but my living entails days off at my choice, sailing, relocating to